Top Reasons to Install Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are useful devices which can detect smoke and fire in buildings and homes. It emits a loud beeping noise or alarm when a fire breaks out. It can also detect steam apart from fire and smoke. Fire outbreaks usually occur during sleeping hours and the carbon monoxide emitted from the fire can cause unconsciousness. This is one of the main reasons for fire deaths in most of the countries. Smoke detectors can help people to wake up from their sleeps and evacuate in time.

Installing smoke detectors are quite simple although there are some essential tips to follow. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that these devices function efficiently. Smoke detectors mainly operate on batteries so it is important to check it from time to time. It is essential to check these batteries every year. Smoke alarms should be changed every ten years.

smoke detector

By installing smoke detectors, it is possible to identify the areas where there is fire and stop it from spreading to other areas. It is important to install these devices in every room so that it is easy to identify fire easily and quickly.

It is quite important to choose the right location to install smoke detector. It is essential to choose rooms which are frequently used by all members of the family. Bedrooms, living rooms, attics, basements and family rooms should include smoke detectors. Choose areas which are far away from vents, windows, doors and fans as these devices may prove to be futile as smoke escapes before it reaches the detectors.

Good quality alkaline batteries should be used in smoke detectors so that it functions efficiently for a long period of time. Some of these devices indicate signals which show low battery charge.

Regular maintenance is also quite essential to ensure smooth functioning of these devices. Apart from smoke detectors, use fire extinguishers in homes and building to fight fire.

It is important to avoid installing these detectors in kitchens, bath areas, fire places as the smoke emancipating from these areas can lead to false alarms. Different types of smoke detectors can be bought from online stores at affordable prices.

Modern Open Area Smoke Detectors

Smoke is the initial indication to a fire accident which might occur, if nothing is done to prevent it. The job of a smoke detector is to raise an alarm after detecting smoke in an area. Smoke detection is generally effective in enclosed areas like a room, a house or an office. But, smoke detection in open areas is quite an ordeal.

Need of Modern Open Area Smoke Detectors:

The situation becomes more complicated in open areas such as airports, malls, stadiums, etc. Sometimes traditional open area smoke detectors raise false fire alarms which hinder the work and also are not cost effective to raise smoke alarms in each and every corner of an open area space. These detectors help to eliminate the problems of traditional smoke detectors improve the safety aspect.

Smoke Detector

Smoke Detector

New Technology and Variety:

In modern times, various smoke detectors are being developed for open areas. These new technologies are – Very Early Warning Smoke Detectors (VESDA), open area smoke imaging detection (OSID) by XTRALIS, visual flame detection, and laser detection systems. These systems if applied to specific areas are helpful in preventing potential hazards in open areas, where the loss of life and property due to fire can be much higher.

Very Early Warning Smoke Detector (VESDA): VESDA is an aspirating smoke detector. It works on the light scattering principle. It captures air and examines it, if smoke is detected in the air sample, the VESDA raises a fire alarm. This system of detection prevents the smoke detector from raising false alarms.

Open Area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID): The OSID system uses infrared and ultraviolet rays to examine the smoke levels in the environment. It implements the technology of imaging to analyze and measure the strength of the wavelength of the emitted infrared and ultraviolet rays. OSID filters the contamination in the air and then detects the smoke threat level. The OSID system works within an area of about 20,000 sq. ft. and is more cost effective than VESDA.

These new age smoke detectors detect smoke level in the atmosphere continuously, thus doing a pretty good job of preventing fires in open areas.

Use of Smoke Detectors to Protect Your Family

Smoke detectors or alarms are among the most important fire safety devices which are considered essential in every home. Today, almost every home in America has smoke alarms. According to studies, death due to fire and smoke is drastically reduced to half with the presence of working smoke detector or alarms. Most of the accidental fires happen at night when people are asleep. This is one of the major reasons for death due to fire and smoke.

Purpose of Smoke Detectors

Smoke is known to be the major cause of death during the outbreak of fire. It removes the oxygen from the space and literally suffocates the person. Most people die due to smoke inhalation and lack of oxygen. The main purpose of the smoke detector is to warn and protect the family from fire.                                                                              

In multi-story houses, these detectors should be installed in every floor to ensure safety from accidental fires and smoke. These alarms should be placed inside bedrooms if you place electronic or electrical appliances such as televisions, CD players and air conditioners inside your room. However, smoke detectors should never be placed in kitchens as small fumes can set off the alarm. It should not be placed in cold areas as electronic items seldom function due to excessive cold and heat.

Types of Smoke Detectors

There are basically two types of smoke alarms- the photoelectric type and the ion type. The photoelectric type of smoke detector reacts quickly to fires. It can however be placed in kitchens too as it seldom reacts to cooking fumes. The ion type of detector is quite inexpensive but effective. It reacts to open flaming fire. There are many ways to power these detectors. It is quite important to use charged batteries so that the detectors function well. Some of the smoke detectors can be operated through electrical power supply too. It can be connected directly to the electrical power line.

Both the battery operated and the electrical smoke detectors need to be tested monthly to ensure its functioning capability. It is pertinent to install these detectors in the right position in your home so that it provides adequate safety for your entire family from accidental fires and other mishaps.