Benefits Of Using Organic Fertilizers

Organic manure is typically derived from animals such as sheep, cattle and horse. Chicken manure can also be considered as organic but it needs to be aged before it is added to the soil. Sheep manure is widely used due to its beneficial properties.

Organic manure can be collected easily from farms and cattle fields. It can also be bought from various online stores at affordable price rates. All plants require manure for its growth. Pumpkin, tomatoes and capsicum are some of the plants which require manure for its growth. Majority of the leafy vegetable plants require manure. However, manure is seldom used for indoor plants as it tends to emit an unpleasant odor.

Today most farmers prefer to use organic fertilizers for the plants as it has many beneficial features:

Nutrients: Manure which is obtained from organic sources tends to be more nutritious than the inorganic fertilizers.

Organic manure

Fertility of The Soil: These fertilizers are known to remain in the soil for a longer period of time. Therefore there is hardly any need to apply these fertilizers more often.

Replenish The Soil: Organic fertilizers are known to replenish the nutrient content of the soil.

Protect The Roots of Seedlings: These fertilizers are known to be gentle on the roots of the plants. Synthetic fertilizers are strong and tend to burn the young roots of the plants.

Organic manure remain in the soil for a longer period of time and it releases the nutrients to the plants when it is required by the plants. This type of fertilizer products seldom seep away during the first rain.

Manure, which is organic, delivers maximum nutrient content to the plants and tends to make it healthier. These plants bear fruits which are seldom attacked by pests and rodents. Different types of manures can be bought from online stores too these days. Fertilizer manure can be derived from animals, plants and other sources. These products are widely used in agricultural farms, gardens and so forth as it proves to be highly effective for the nourishment of the soil.

Beneficial Features Of Water Soluble Fertilizers

Crops require the appropriate amount of fertilizers for proper growth. Today most growers prefer to use water soluble fertilizers so as to provide nutrients to the plants. These fertilizers are available in different varieties and formulations. It is available in different quantities of phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium. There are various factors to consider while using these fertilizers. Some of these factors include the source of the nutrients, formulation of the fertilizers, price, solubility and the properties of these fertilizers.

These fertilizers must be applied at each watering session. This procedure ensures that the nutrients are available for the plants in the correct amount. Most growers apply these fertilizers at a lower range on a regular basis to maintain normal growth of plants. It is also effective in maintaining plant health.

Water Soluble Fertilizers

The amounts of fertilizers which are applied to the plants vary on the basis of the type of plants. Some of the plants need high amount of fertilizers whereas some require a lower amount of fertilizer for growth. The light factor is another important aspect to consider. Plants which receive high amount of light require high fertility and vice-versa. The fertility levels of the plants also depend on the age of the plants. Older plants require higher amount of fertilizers and young plants require lesser amount of fertilizers.

There are different tests which can be conducted to determine the amount of fertilizers required by the plants. Routine soil tests should be conducted to determine the nutritional level of the plants.

Different types of crops require different types of fertilizers. Most of these plant products contain different levels of nitrogen and ammonia which offer different results in plant growth.

Water soluble fertilizers are excellent plant growth stimulators which help to strengthen the roots of the plants. It also improves the capacity of the plants to absorb nutrients. It increases crop yields to a great extent. It also improves the capacity of the soil to hold water. These fertilizers are used on various types of crops such as pulses, cereals, fruits, vegetable and so forth.